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Our Programs

Kids aged between 3 and 5 years are eligible for the Science Valley Junior program. This is a prime age for developing mental arithmetic skills. Students are provided with abacus and standardized books with a carefully structured syllabus for the little ones. The books are Activity based which makes Math interesting at this level. Science Valley Junior molds and motivates the minds of the children by introducing interesting techniques. Science Valley Junior initially uses ABACUS as an ideal learning tool to teach fundamental Math. The activity based materials encourage their minds to think in different possible directions.

  • Playing Science
  • Reading and Writing
  • Moral development
  • Sport Games

Many scientific discoveries and innovations are actually a result of practical experiments or trials ‘going wrong’. Wide range of practical skills offer more creative and innovative ways, encouraging the ‘free thinking’ upon which science depends. Practical science activities have huge significance in the learning process. Science Valley engage students, helping them to develop important skills, understand the process of scientific methods and develop a broad understanding of scientific concepts. We teach and prepare young people assessing there skills for potential careers using practicle science effectively.

  • Practical skills
  • Creativity
  • Free thinking
  • Encouraging practical science

The physical act of writing letters and words enhances a child’s ability to read. It is good to stress on improving writing skills at a young age itself. Improving writing and reading skills must not be neglected. Most children have their own style of creativity. But they don't really lean toward writing as a means of expressing themselves. Science Valley help students potential to develop good writing skills at an early age and continues long after these early efforts. SV also introducing a unique approach to writing and reading.

  • Building vocabulary
  • Improving spelling and grammer
  • Spontaneous writing skills

Children learn to recognise right and wrong, resolve conflict, understand consequences, investigate moral and ethical issues, offer reasoned views. Children engage with the...

  • 'Islamic Values' of humanities
  • Forgiveness and Tolerance
  • Respect and Liberty
  • Participate and volunteer
  • Appreciate diverse viewpoints

Promoting physical activity should start from the nursery room, according to Jean Zimmerman and Gil Reavill, authors of "Raising Our Athletic Daughters." Promoting athletics as a parent is a crucial factor in determining whether your child will be interested in participating in sports. At SV students have access to sports and games, which not only empower youth and promote higher self-esteem, it also motivates students, enables them to earn better grades. Numerous physical benefits include a , preventing chronic diseases and learning the skills necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle after graduating.

  • Maintaining healthy weight
  • Preventing chronic diseases
  • Learning the skills
  • Healthy lifestyle after graduating

Our Latest Events

20 02 / 2017


20 02 / 2017


17 02 / 2017

Lab Photoshoot

17 02 / 2017

Lab Photoshoot

Our Students Work!

Last Week Activities

@ScValley students work together, ‘knee to knee and eye to eye’, discussing, explaining, negotiating, agreeing, helping and encouraging each other. A positive impact on their achievement, self-esteem, and motivation for learning, and it helps develop their thinking and reasoning skills.

LIFE @ ScValley

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1, GT Road Mian Colony, Dina JHELUM


+(92) 544 631 631 +(92) 313 777 7712

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